Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend at the ranch

We spent the long weekend at the ranch. We got rained on, but it was wonderful, we needed the moisture. We had quite a group up there and it was a blast! Kent, Kim and dogs,-Jenn, Alan, kids and dog -Cresta, kids, Molly's friend Savannah and dog - Alan's friends from Search and Rescue and dogs- Jim, Shauntae, Wyatt and dog - Shannon, Cohen, and Ruby, (Shauntae's sister) - Shauntae's mom and dad, Shauntae's other sister Adriana and friend, Craig - Jessicas friends and their family, Kino, Chester and Macie, us and Pokie. Can you tell that we had a group and we had a bunch of dogs??? They finally got along together, mostly. (Meaning the dogs; of course!)
We got in two three mile hikes, I am so glad that Jim doesn't mind walking slowly with me. He cut me a walking stick and that helped a lot! The others were all expert walkers and they didn't even get tired!

The food was excellent, of course! When everyone takes a turn it works out well.
Curt and I got to stay in the cabin, the first time for me! The bedroom is finished enough that we could stay. We are waiting on the flooring for the kitchen and front room, then we can use those rooms too. I made curtains for the living room and bedroom and they look pretty good. I found some valances for the kitchen that look old fashioned and fit it great.

We planted some tomatoes in an old sink, hoping that the animals can't get to them being up higher. They ate all the blossoms off of my pansies, I hope they come out of it and get more. I need to cover them with some mesh wire, I guess. They must have been in heaven eating something that different up there.
Alan brought in a huge water trough with sand in it and it made the best sand pile for the kids. Curt had him pick it up. He had brought up some tractors and plows like his to play in the sand with. The kids loved it!

We hung the hammock that Curt got for Christmas, It's huge and can fit a bunch of kids on it. It is sturdier than the ones we had, so I hope it lasts longer.

We got some trash cleaned up, some sagebrush burned and had a great, relaxing weekend.


gina said...

We were wondering if we could come up next weekend? Jason decided that it would be a good weekend to visit. I was going to come with the boys, but he decided that we could all go. We want to go to the golden spike re-enactment this weekend also. It looks good up there!

Grandma Duffy said...

Looks like a fun weekend!! We got rained out!! Came home!~

The.Marcellus.Family said...

I want to lay in that hammock. It was good to see you today. My church is loud huh. That was the quietest it has ever been haha.

Glad you came:)

kino said...

it was such a wonderful weekend, I am so glad I got to come and bring Dad up, he enjoys is so much, I know , anyway there were lots of dogs, fun and people, and food, it is a great place to be. love ya tons.