Monday, December 20, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls and Ronda...

Today I am making cinnamon rolls and thinking of a good friend that taught me so much about bread dough when I subbed for a person missing on her team of school lunch cooks...years ago! I am amazed at what brings up memories in this weird mind of mine. I actually am missing her so much and thinking about how good of a friend she was to me while she was alive. I guess she still is a good friend, or I wouldn't have these moments... She left a hole in many lives when she passed on to be with Jesus! I am thankful that they moved into our town and I had the privilege to tend their youngest daughter and get to know them so well. Her family is as awesome as she is, thank you Ronda and family! I dedicate my day of baking to you and what you taught me about letting dough rest, it has stayed with me all these years!


brenda said...

Very cute post Karen! It's funny what random things can bring up memories.

shauntae said...

The rolls were wonderful! Thank you for making them.

John n Sonia said...

Its those moments that make you realize you have friends and that you are loved.... Sonia