Saturday, October 29, 2011

Falling under the spell...

It's almost Halloween. I went to Molly's party last night to "help" and eat dinner with them. I laughed so hard at what those girls said and did. It was so fun to watch and see how they got along so well and laughed so hard at what they were playing at the time. It is refreshing to see the "younger" generation having fun and being good friends. I enjoyed every minute that I spent with them. I didn't take pictures, but Cresta did, so when she posts them, I am going to borrow them and put some on here. (It is always more interesting to see photos, don't you think?)
Monday is the "trunk or treat" at the park. I always dress in my t-shirt that has a pumpkin face on it and hand out treats to the kids. They are so cute in their costumes and so excited to be there. It sure is a lot easier than opening the door a million times and handing it out at the door. (Call me lazy, that's ok!)
My lawn has a new carpet and it is getting plusher every minute. The colors range from gold, brown, orange and green and look absolutely beautiful. It even crunches as you walk on it. I am putting off raking the carpet...I love the colors and feel it gives our yard. I want to leave it until the last possible second before we get the big snows. I don't know when that will be, but I hope I get them done before that. The kids walking home from school seems to gravitate to them, maybe I will pile them up on the edge of our yard, just so they can walk through them! Fall has to be the favorite of all times to me. I like Spring, summer and winter, too. Fall just seems special some how.
Our family is all growing and getting older. My oldest grandkids came to visit today in their costumes that they are wearing to help at the town festivities. They are such beautiful kids and so willing to help. All my grandkids make me happy and glad that I am their grandma. They are truly blessings!
The spell may not last too long, and winter will be upon us, but, for now....I'm completely happy and content to be where I am right now. Life is beautiful and so are our surroundings. Happy Fall Everyone!

1 comment:

Grandma Duffy said...

I am with you....I would rather trunk or treat, too! Your writing is also starting to paint mental pictures. You are an artist there, too!!! Love ya!!