Monday, April 28, 2008

More Malad

We spent Saturday afternoon at the ranch. We took Molly, Kaden and McKay with us and we had a great time! We rode the four-wheelers around and got to see places that we haven't been able to before. We hiked, took pictures, played, and the boys and Pokey (Our Dog) ran around until I thought they wouldn't be able to walk! There is still snow there, but we could get up to see the beaver ponds. The cranes were there and they were beautiful! Kaden named a pond "Quacker Pond" because there were some Malards in it and he named the valley "Rock Valley" because there were pretty rocks on the ground. I came up with a name for the ranch, but so far it hasn't gone over too well.. Crane Creek Ranch. We could call it C.C. Ranch then it would be Curt's initials also. He thinks we should keep thinking! Jim thinks it should just be Christensen Ranch, but I think we need a cool name too! We hope to be able to spend a lot of time there, because there is a super amount of work to do to get it up and running. I think it's beautiful, even though there is nothing there! Pretty meadows and streams, mountain views, trees and birds that are awesome! We picked out the sight where we will eventually build our cabin, it overlooks the one meadow and the road leading onto the ranch. Big Dreams.... maybe someday a reality! Then we will have room for everyone to come camp and play!!!


Kari Lyn said...

so here I am leaving a comment on your page. A real comment. The ranch looks great! Looks like you had a lot of fun when you went up there.! I hope you are havin a great day!

kino said...

looks like the snow melted, I love it someday we'll come for a ride and see it when you guys are up there ok. thanks for the soup it was really good and the bread to. love ya lots. your great. thanks again

Macie's Momma said...

who needs a cabin,i'll come tent it anytime you want to invite! looks way fun! miss ya

Kate said...

Looks like tons of fun! You guys aren't going to move there right? Just a summer cabin? Bear River would miss you if you leave. I know I am looking forward to getting to know you better, it seems like we have a lot in common! Hope your staying!

Macie's Momma said...

thanks for the invite. Truth be known I have never felt like I need a invite to be with your fam/ you have this incredible gift of making everyone feel included and welcome! I love ya, and by the way i havent forgot the invite to have brox come over after school. it really hasnt been needed yet, my schedule has allowed me to pick him up-so far! hope all is well!! xoxo

Kristen said...

It sounds and looks so perfect! Tel's family has a cabin and land near his hometown and it is the perfect place to be together as a family. How FUN!!!